
Ev.io, is a multiplayer game. It is a real-time strategy game and players are on a mission to build and manage their own civilization. Players collect resources, build structures and form alliances, and improve their civilization when they defeat other players. There are various technologies and units in the game that can do research and use to advantage.

Ev.io the game is played as follows:

Collecting resources: When the game starts, players start collecting resources. Resources, ev.io they are the items needed for the construction of buildings in the game, the research of technologies and the production of units for combat.

Build buildings: After collecting resources, players start building buildings. Buildings perform tasks such as storing players resources, producing units, and researching technologies.

Researching technologies: Players develop their civilization by researching technologies. Technologies provide advantages such as strengthening units, faster collection of resources.

Generating units: When players defeat other players by generating units, they capture their resources and develop their civilization.

Form alliances: Players can form alliances to fight together with other players and share resources.

Wage war: Players use their units to fight. When players defeat other players, they seize their resources and develop their civilization.

These steps are the players ev.io it allows them to progress in their game and achieve victory.


WASD to move

Space bar to jump

Shift to run

Q to use abilities

G to throw grenades

1234 to switch weapons

Left mouse button to shoot

Right mouse button to aim

M to open the menu